Foxconn founder vows to ‘preserve peace’ with China if elected Taiwan president

KAOHSIUNG: The billionaire founder of Foxconn vowed on Sunday (May 7) at a rally that if elected president of Taiwan, he would be able to “preserve peace” between the democratic self-ruled island and China.

台湾将于 2024 年 1 月选出下一任领导人,以接替总统蔡英文,蔡英文在两任任期内与北京的关系出现前所未有的紧张关系,北京认为台湾是需要收回的领土的一部分。

苹果 iPhone 的主要供应商富士康的创始人郭台铭在 4 月份宣布,他计划寻求…


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